Sunday, February 27, 2011


Often times in my walk I come reread what God had me write in previous posts. They encourage my soul and I love to hear Him, fresh and new. Most days the original intent of the post is not at all what God has me see when I re read things. I love that about God's word. It's living and active, and I often feel like my words here are for me too.. ok, I feel that a ton.. i'l be honest.

That being said, today's post is straight from my prayer journal back in December. Funny thing is, God spoke again newness into this verse just today while I re read it.  Well, in hopes that I someday look back at this moment between God and I and see it differently.. I'm posting it below. Can I remind you that it's 2:14 in the morning.. and well, at that time my theology might be a bit off.. so no comments on the Judah thing.. apparently it meant something at the time.

My other intended purpose as to publishing something so raw is this..

I listened to a national Christian speaker live, she was taping for her radio show. It was raw and very real. She coughed and cleared her throat. She lost her place and had to ask someone who was following along in their notes where she was. Point being.. here I thought she was a magnificent speaker, but truth is she's not. I don't mean that in a bad way. Her teaching is straight out of the Word, but God in his mercy and grace surrounded her with people who know how to edit. Listening to her in the raw spoke to me. It brought her down from a pedestal that I had unknowingly put her on. People are real. They make mistakes, no big deal. The Word is still preached, and God promises that it will not come back void.


I can't sleep, my mind is racing- floating from one thought to the next- so I thought I'd come here and focus on You- the Great Thought Giver.

Father, I praise you today for Life, You created me. You know me intimately, You alone know of who I was and who I am becoming. The path that I have taken to get here- in this place- haven't all been easy, but You knew them all! How can I ever repay what you do for me?

I ask in these quiet moments that you sanctify me in Truth, for You Word is Truth!

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is as everlasting rock!" Isaiah 26

it's talking about peace, and how God gives it, if we seek it. This particular chapter makes me think of my life actually, kinda strange, but am I not Judah? a land who was captured and over taken by satan- only to be freed by God later with much more knowledge and grace and holiness? 

You have done for us all our works.

I am nothing, consume me, In your name I pray, Amen  I love you!! 

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