Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the simple view of you.

It was just glue and paper, the most basic of supplies.

The conversation centered around the personality of their creation,
and that lead them into naming their creation.

It's amaxing to me how a name speaks a life into glue and paper. 

Just like a name speaks life into dirt.
 The simplest of supplies that the Creator had. 

I can just see Him being just as intent 
forming each 
and soul
 as a little does creating an owl.

I wonder if He has a "creating face." the face that says,
I'm deep in thought here.. maybe his tongue peeks out in concentration.. 
or He has the angels sing softly... 
Creating humans is His job, and He's an expert at creating things He loves.

 An then as a token of His love and affection.

 He gives you a name. 

A name that describes your inner most being. 
A name that defines you in his eyes.
A name that gives Him glory.

He calls you "Mine."

"Fear not, for I have called you by name, you are mine." 
Isaiah 43:1 

You are His.

(Yes, even if your name is Purple.)


Anonymous said...

this is absolutely incredible

Laura Liu said...

Kelly, You are amaxing! You make me smile!

Anonymous said...

i love seeing your heart (and God's heart) through your writings, pictures, and creations. you are beautiful!

robblog said...

Again, you bring another verse to life and make it unforgettable.

kelly said...

to God be the glory! it's amaxing to me what you can see with your heart if you look.