Wednesday, September 22, 2010

flight risk.

no doubt you've been to a funeral when the pastor recites Psalm 23. so when i say "the Lord is my Shepard; i shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me besides still waters." you have heard it. but did you ever stop to think.. WHY on earth would He make me LIE DOWN in green pastures? i'd personally would much rather enjoy a bed.

three things i know for certain.
  1. a pasture is a safe place
  2. a pasture is a simple place
  3. a pasture is a sanctuary
safe because a shepherd was always there. a guard over the livestock. that shepherd made sure the livestock had everything needed to sustain life. for HIS purpose, whatever that may be. That shepherd's joy and livelihood was protecting his flock.

a pasture consists of grass, hopefully a nearby water source, and livestock. three things. that's it. simple.

sanctuary is defined as a place where the livestock live. this pasture, was home.

if i claim to be a sheep and that Jesus is my Shepherd. i need this pasture. i need safety, i need simplicity, and i need a home. Jesus know what i need, and today, well for this moment at least, i'm resting in that pasture. it's a long day.. i might try to escape and go my own way.. but for sure my Shepherd will always come looking for me. maybe that's why i have to lie down??? i'm not such a flight risk then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this! "Flight Risk".....I think that's what I will call it from now on.... :)