Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HapPyDay Creations.

Time ticks away silently as I labor over the vision that He has laid on my heart.

Over and over again, He and I connect through the process called creating. Him, loving me through the words and wishes of patrons that frequently stop on by. Me, honing my skills by repeating over and over again things I know. Together we dance. 

We commune on a level I'm not sure I even understand. Tears frequent my eyes, as I pour out my heart.. and God whispers to my very soul.  A whisper that is so sweet to my ears that I seldom believe it. A whisper that echos into those deep seeded lies, grabbing whats left of the roots and hurling them out. Together, we plant good seed. Happy seeds.

For those who read the words and see the beauty understand. It's from Him. It's His work. I am extremely grateful that those that join this journey with me and encourage my steps by purchasing the something that has touched their heart... God and  I we love seeing you have more and more HapPyDaYs.  With the very breath that He gave me... I can't thank you enough. 

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