Monday, February 7, 2011


You squint to see because it's so bright out,
 all creation seems to glisten with His glory. 
You even see your breath, 
the very same breath He gave you floating away as you walk around the yard.
Your mouth is turned upwards in a smile,
 and you realize for the first time in a very long time, you are looking at an image of God. 

Images that you had a part in helping create for 9 months.

You smile  knowing that the frozen places of your heart are melting with the realization
 that He wanted you to be here, in this moment, seeing them for the first time, again. 

He makes all things new.

Laying in your bed crying out to God to restore what was given up, lost, or perhaps forgotten.
he whispers. gently, ever so wonderfully in your ear.

"You have heard; now see this;
and will you not declare it? 
From this time forth.
 I announce to you new things, 
hidden things that you have not known.  
Isaiah 48:6 

and so I will.... and that makes it Another Happy Day indeed.

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